de boom die alles zag/the tree that saw everything

composed of opposites

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Vagina Monologues: WJC Schedule of Events

The Vagina Monologues is an international movement to stop violence against women and girls. All of the ticket sales go to Synergy Services, a local organization whose mission is on target with ours. This year we are also supporting a Jewell student, Anne Brown-Pollard and her daughter, Emeline, with funds from t-shirt sales. As survivors of domestic violence, this money will go towards court fees. Tickets ($5) and T-shirts ($10) will be sold from 10:30 to 2pm in the Yates-Gill Student Union during the weeks before the show.

February 6th, 6:00 pm, Yates 222 – “Do It Right” – Mindy Heutinck, professor of nursing, will be presenting sexual health; focus on contraceptives and sexually transmitted infections.
February 12-16- “The Faces of…change, love, pain, courage, freedom, hope”—Art Show, Curry Library
February 14th – V-DAY – We will be sending out Valentine’s Day cards/invitations to all students to attend the Vagina Monologues
February 19-23 – “Airing Out Our Dirty Laundry” – Throughout this week, we will be hanging old t-shirts with statistics on women’s human rights injustices locally, nationally, internationally in the Union.
February 20th, 6pm- Gano Chapel – “Until the Violence Stops – WJC Speaks” – An evening of awareness and action. Anne Brown-Pollard, survivor of domestic violence, speaks personally of her experiences and Synergy, the beneficiary of the show, will speak about prevention and awareness. WJC women will be telling their own stories, anonymously or in person, of rape, abuse, violence or injustice. This is our chance to air our own dirty laundry in order to stimulate change on our own campus.

- March 3rd , 7:30pm, The Vagina Monologues Performance
- March 4th , 2pm, The Vagina Monologues Performance


All tickets are $5. To reserve your ticket, send your check
(payable to William Jewell College) to:

The Vagina Monologues
c/o Betsy Bramon
500 College Hill Box 2082
Liberty, MO 64068

*Be sure to indicate which performance you plan on attending
**You ticket will be held at the box office until 30 minutes prior to the performance.


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